Is a pulsating outlined box possible?

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Random Terrain
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Is a pulsating outlined box possible?

Post by Random Terrain »

I now have that canvas editor I've been posting about on a page in an iframe:

[The SpiderBasic code is near the bottom of the page.]

I'd like to add a pulsating outlined box or "cursor" that changes size depending on what the user selects. It would kind of look like this, except the box would not be filled in:


Only the outline of the box would be there.

I tried an experiment using DrawingMode(#PB_2DDrawing_Outlined), but that was a waste of time. It's probably better to just have a filled in box, then fill that box in depending on what is at that position in the array.

When the user moves the mouse pointer off a playfield pixel on the canvas, the "outline" should move to the next pixel without leaving a trace that it was there. Since I don't know how to make a pulsating outline "cursor" yet, I just used a random color. Here is a short video showing what I don't want:

All those outlined boxes should not be there.

Question #1
How do I make a "cursor" that is constantly pulsating as long as the mouse pointer is in the canvas area (even when the mouse pointer is not moving)? I'd like to do a similar thing for the whole row when the user goes to paint a foreground or background row (a pulsating outlined box that is as wide as the drawing area and as high as the selected row height).

Question #2
How do I make the "cursor" move from one playfield pixel to the next without leaving a trace?

Posts: 108
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Re: Is a pulsating outlined box possible?

Post by munfraid »

Random Terrain wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 3:08 am

[The SpiderBasic code is near the bottom of the page.]
Unfortunatly this code doesn't compile here. It gives a syntax error in line 1102.

Can you please check this? With a working code I can show you how to do what you plan about the user selection.
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Random Terrain
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Re: Is a pulsating outlined box possible?

Post by Random Terrain »

munfraid wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 12:46 pm
Random Terrain wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 3:08 am

[The SpiderBasic code is near the bottom of the page.]
Unfortunatly this code doesn't compile here. It gives a syntax error in line 1102.

Can you please check this? With a working code I can show you how to do what you plan about the user selection.
Sorry. I used the wrong online tip for displaying the less than sign. I updated the page and checked the code in SpiderBasic and it now works: ... basic_code

Posts: 108
Joined: Sat Mar 24, 2018 1:33 pm

Re: Is a pulsating outlined box possible?

Post by munfraid »

Thanks, now it works. Just wanted to let you know that I'm pretty busy currently and since it's pretty difficult for me to read your code I can't do everything immediatly. You explained very well why you format your code the way you do, and if it works for you this way everything is fine. But for me it's partly near to be unreadable. I can deal with it, but it will take a little more time.

For now I just added the required ui buttons for the new functions and prepared the undo/redo function. More will follow in the next days. You can have look here: PART 1

Code: Select all

;  When explicit mode is enabled, all the variables which are not
;  explicitly declared with Define, Global, Protected or Static are
;  not accepted and the compiler will raise an error. It can help to
;  catch typo bugs.

#AppName = "bB Playfield Editor"
#Version = "2021y_08m_08d_1211t"

;  Important for better code readability. The first constant found in
;  the enumeration will get the number 0 and the next one will be 1 etc.
;  (The # at the beginning lets you know it's a constant.)
Enumeration windows

Enumeration gadgets

Enumeration fonts

;  Fixes it so variables can be used everywhere in the program.
;  Each variable may have a default value directly assigned to it.
;  Global may also be used with arrays, lists, and maps.
;  User Interface
Global bB_CodeTable.s
Global colorWindowBG = $A7A7A7         ; Background color of the whole window.
Global _Text_Color = $000000           ; Text Color
Global fontUiBig.s = "Arial"           ; fonts for text in editor ui 
Global fontUiBigSize = 30
Global fontUiNormal.s = "Arial"
Global fontUiNormalSize = 16
Global fontUiSmall.s = "Arial"
Global fontUiSmallSize = 12
Global _Spacer = 10                     ; space between ui elements; change as you like
Global textFooter.s = #AppName + "  -  Version: " + #Version + " by <a class='offsite' href=''></a> (using SpiderBasic)." + "<br /><br />Based on the <a class='offsite' href=''>Atari Background Builder</a> by kisrael.<br /><br />Program by <a class='offsite' href=''>munfraid</a> with NTSC color data help by <a class='offsite' href=''>Peter</a> and additional help from <a class='offsite' href=''>Paul</a>. Program adapted by Random Terrain (Duane Alan Hahn).<br /><br />"
;  Playfield
Global _Button_Mode = #Button_Draw   ; Default button mode.
Global _Draw_Mode = #Button_Pen      ; Default drawing mode.
Global colorFG = #Black              ; Default foreground color.
Global colorBG = $E9EAEA             ; Default background color.
Global _32_Columns = 33              ; Fixed value for number of columns.
Global _Column_Scale = 15            ; Currently set to 15, which results in 15*32 columns = 480 pixel width; change as you wish.
Global _176_Rows = 176               ; Fixed value for maximum number of rows.
Global _Row_Scale = 2                ; Similar to _Column_Scale. It's the base height of a row.
Global _Row_Height = 2               ; Set to 2 by default because I put 88 rows as default in the initUI() procedure.
Global x, y, yy                      ; The x and y coordinates of the mouse pointer when drawing on the canvas.
Global GID                           ; Gadjet ID.
Global _Which_Color_FG_or_BG         ; Keeps track of which FG/BG color box was clicked.
Global _Loop                         ; Used for loops.
Global _Atari_Counter                ; A counter used when creating the NTSC color chart.
Global _EnableDrawing = #False       ; Fixes problem where user could draw without holding down mouse button.
Global _Current_FG.s                 ; Current foreground Atari color.
Global _Current_BG.s                 ; Current background Atari color.
Global _bB_Rows = 87                 ; Default rows for the bB arrays.
Global _Row                          ; Used for loops.
Global _Column                       ; Used for loops.
Global _Ctrl_Key_Memory = 0          ; Keeps track of the control key.
Global _Row_Start = 8                ; Limits drawing.
Global _Row_Limit = 95               ; Limits drawing.
Global _Standard_Kernel = 0          ; Tells program when standard kernel has been selected.
Global _Drop_Down                    ; Drop down check for row mode.

;  Arrays.
Global Dim _Playfield_Pixels(40, 220)
Global Dim _Playfield_Foreground_Colors(220)
Global Dim _Playfield_Background_Colors(220)
Global Dim _bB_playfield.s(32, 88)
Global Dim _bB_pfcolors.s(88)
Global Dim _bB_bkcolors.s(88)

;  Structure and setup for undo/redo.
Structure undoSteps
  Array playfield.i(40, 220)
  Array foreground.i(220)
  Array background.i(220)
Global NewList undo.undoSteps()
Global _Max_Undo_Steps = 100
Global _Undo_Position = -1

;  (Similar To subroutines in older BASIC languages.)

Procedure DrawPlayfield()
  Protected x, y 

Procedure ClearPlayfield()

Protected _Column
Protected _Row

;  Clears the canvas arrays.
Global Dim _Playfield_Pixels(40, 220)
Global Dim _Playfield_Foreground_Colors(220)
Global Dim _Playfield_Background_Colors(220)

;  Puts boxes down left side.
For _Loop = 0 To 220
_Playfield_Pixels(0, _Loop)

;  Clears the playfield canvas.
Box(0, 0, 551, 417, $E9EAEA)

;  Sets default colors.
colorFG = #Black
colorBG = $E9EAEA

;  Restores the foreground color box to the default.
;  (Includes inline JavaScript magic.)
! $(v_gid.div).find(".dijitButtonContents").css("background-color", spider_helper_ColorToHtml(v_colorfg));

;  Restores the background color box to the default.
;  (Includes inline JavaScript magic.)
! $(v_gid.div).find(".dijitButtonContents").css("background-color", spider_helper_ColorToHtml(v_colorbg));

;  Clears the foreground and background color arrays.
For _Loop = 0 To _176_Rows
_Playfield_Foreground_Colors(_Loop) = colorFG
_Playfield_Background_Colors(_Loop) = colorBG

;  Removes any checkmarks from buttons.
For _Loop = #Button_Draw To #Button_Paint_BG_Row
SetGadgetState(_Loop, 0)

;  Puts a check mark on the Draw button and sets mode to Draw.
SetGadgetState(#Button_Draw, 1)
_Button_Mode = #Button_Draw

;  Fills the bB playfield array with dots.
For _Row = 0 To _bB_Rows
For _Column = 0 To 31
_bB_playfield(_Column, _Row) = "."

;  bB color row preparation.
yy = _bB_Rows
If _Row_Height = 1 ; If 176 rows, there can only be 88 rows of color.
yy = 87

;  Fills the bB pfcolors array with black.
For _Row = 0 To yy
_bB_pfcolors(_Row) = "$00"

;  Fills the bB bkcolors array with white.
For _Row = 0 To yy
_bB_bkcolors(_Row) = "$0E"

;  Creates black box around playfield area.
Box(29, 31, 481.5, 354, #Black)
Box(30, 32, 480, 352, $E9EAEA)

;  Draws black line down left side.
Box(0, 32, 9, 352, #Black)


Procedure TimerEvents()

Select EventTimer()

;  Makes NTSC color chart disappear if mouse pointer leaves area.
Case 0
If WindowMouseX(#Window_NTSC_Color_Chart) = -1



Procedure CloseWindowEvent()



Procedure ColorCellClicked(Title.s, Color.s)

;  Replaces the six-digit color code hash sign with a dollar sign.
Protected _Selected_Color = Val(ReplaceString(Color.s, "#", "$"))

;  When using six-digit color codes with SpiderBasic, the red and blue
;  parts must be swapped (BGR format instead of RGB), so the first two
;  numbers must be switched with the last two numbers. The code below
;  does that automatically.
_Selected_Color = Blue(_Selected_Color) + Green(_Selected_Color)*256 + Red(_Selected_Color)*65536 

;  Foreground/Background color box click check.
Select _Which_Color_FG_or_BG

;  Foreground color box check. (Brings up NTSC chart if clicked).
Case #Foreground_Color_Box
colorFG = _Selected_Color

;  Clears buttons and selects Paint FG button.
For _Loop = #Button_Draw To #Button_Paint_BG_Row
SetGadgetState(_Loop, 0)

;  Puts a check mark on the Paint FG button and sets mode to Paint FG.
SetGadgetState(#Button_Paint_FG_Row, 1)
_Button_Mode = #Button_Paint_FG_Row

;  Changes the foreground color box to the chosen color.
;  (Includes inline JavaScript magic.)
! $(v_gid.div).find(".dijitButtonContents").css("background-color", spider_helper_ColorToHtml(v_colorfg));

_Current_FG = Title

;  Background color box check. (Brings up NTSC chart if clicked).
Case #Background_Color_Box
colorBG = _Selected_Color

;  Clears buttons and selects Paint BG button.
For _Loop = #Button_Draw To #Button_Paint_BG_Row
SetGadgetState(_Loop, 0)

;  Puts a check mark on the Paint BG button and sets mode to Paint BG.
SetGadgetState(#Button_Paint_BG_Row, 1)
_Button_Mode = #Button_Paint_BG_Row

;  Changes the background color box to the chosen color.
;  (Includes inline JavaScript magic.)
! $(v_gid.div).find(".dijitButtonContents").css("background-color", spider_helper_ColorToHtml(v_colorbg));

_Current_BG = Title


;  Closes the NTSC color chart window.


;  (The .s stands for STRING.)
Procedure.s bB_Procedure()

Protected bBCode.s

bBCode + "<pre><br>"

If _Standard_Kernel = 1
bBCode + "   ;****************************************************************<br>"
bBCode + "   ;<br>"
bBCode + "   ;  Standard kernel options.<br>"
bBCode + "   ;<br>"
bBCode + "   set kernel_options pfcolors<br><br><br>"

If _Standard_Kernel = 2
bBCode + "   ;****************************************************************<br>"
bBCode + "   ;<br>"
bBCode + "   ;  Standard kernel options. Cost: loss of missile0.<br>"
bBCode + "   ;<br>"
bBCode + "   set kernel_options pfcolors no_blank_lines<br><br><br>"

If _Standard_Kernel = 0
bBCode + "   ;****************************************************************<br>"
bBCode + "   ;<br>"
bBCode + "   ;  This program uses the DPC+ kernel.<br>"
bBCode + "   ;<br>"
bBCode + "   set kernel DPC+<br><br><br>"

bBCode + "   ;****************************************************************<br>"
bBCode + "   ;<br>"
bBCode + "   ;  Standard used in North America and most of South America.<br>"
bBCode + "   ;<br>"
bBCode + "   set tv ntsc<br><br><br>"

bBCode + "   ;****************************************************************<br>"
bBCode + "   ;<br>"
bBCode + "   ;  NTSC colors.<br>"
bBCode + "   ;<br>"
bBCode + "   ;  Use these constants so you can quickly and easily swap them<br>"
bBCode + "   ;  out for PAL-60 colors. Or use this if you created a PAL-60<br>"
bBCode + "   ;  game and want to instantly convert the colors to NTSC (if you<br>"
bBCode + "   ;  were already using the PAL-60 constants).<br>"
bBCode + "   ;<br>"
bBCode + "   const _00 = $00<br>"
bBCode + "   const _02 = $02<br>"
bBCode + "   const _04 = $04<br>"
bBCode + "   const _06 = $06<br>"
bBCode + "   const _08 = $08<br>"
bBCode + "   const _0A = $0A<br>"
bBCode + "   const _0C = $0C<br>"
bBCode + "   const _0E = $0E<br>"
bBCode + "   const _10 = $10<br>"
bBCode + "   const _12 = $12<br>"
bBCode + "   const _14 = $14<br>"
bBCode + "   const _16 = $16<br>"
bBCode + "   const _18 = $18<br>"
bBCode + "   const _1A = $1A<br>"
bBCode + "   const _1C = $1C<br>"
bBCode + "   const _1E = $1E<br>"
bBCode + "   const _20 = $20<br>"
bBCode + "   const _22 = $22<br>"
bBCode + "   const _24 = $24<br>"
bBCode + "   const _26 = $26<br>"
bBCode + "   const _28 = $28<br>"
bBCode + "   const _2A = $2A<br>"
bBCode + "   const _2C = $2C<br>"
bBCode + "   const _2E = $2E<br>"
bBCode + "   const _30 = $30<br>"
bBCode + "   const _32 = $32<br>"
bBCode + "   const _34 = $34<br>"
bBCode + "   const _36 = $36<br>"
bBCode + "   const _38 = $38<br>"
bBCode + "   const _3A = $3A<br>"
bBCode + "   const _3C = $3C<br>"
bBCode + "   const _3E = $3E<br>"
bBCode + "   const _40 = $40<br>"
bBCode + "   const _42 = $42<br>"
bBCode + "   const _44 = $44<br>"
bBCode + "   const _46 = $46<br>"
bBCode + "   const _48 = $48<br>"
bBCode + "   const _4A = $4A<br>"
bBCode + "   const _4C = $4C<br>"
bBCode + "   const _4E = $4E<br>"
bBCode + "   const _50 = $50<br>"
bBCode + "   const _52 = $52<br>"
bBCode + "   const _54 = $54<br>"
bBCode + "   const _56 = $56<br>"
bBCode + "   const _58 = $58<br>"
bBCode + "   const _5A = $5A<br>"
bBCode + "   const _5C = $5C<br>"
bBCode + "   const _5E = $5E<br>"
bBCode + "   const _60 = $60<br>"
bBCode + "   const _62 = $62<br>"
bBCode + "   const _64 = $64<br>"
bBCode + "   const _66 = $66<br>"
bBCode + "   const _68 = $68<br>"
bBCode + "   const _6A = $6A<br>"
bBCode + "   const _6C = $6C<br>"
bBCode + "   const _6E = $6E<br>"
bBCode + "   const _70 = $70<br>"
bBCode + "   const _72 = $72<br>"
bBCode + "   const _74 = $74<br>"
bBCode + "   const _76 = $76<br>"
bBCode + "   const _78 = $78<br>"
bBCode + "   const _7A = $7A<br>"
bBCode + "   const _7C = $7C<br>"
bBCode + "   const _7E = $7E<br>"
bBCode + "   const _80 = $80<br>"
bBCode + "   const _82 = $82<br>"
bBCode + "   const _84 = $84<br>"
bBCode + "   const _86 = $86<br>"
bBCode + "   const _88 = $88<br>"
bBCode + "   const _8A = $8A<br>"
bBCode + "   const _8C = $8C<br>"
bBCode + "   const _8E = $8E<br>"
bBCode + "   const _90 = $90<br>"
bBCode + "   const _92 = $92<br>"
bBCode + "   const _94 = $94<br>"
bBCode + "   const _96 = $96<br>"
bBCode + "   const _98 = $98<br>"
bBCode + "   const _9A = $9A<br>"
bBCode + "   const _9C = $9C<br>"
bBCode + "   const _9E = $9E<br>"
bBCode + "   const _A0 = $A0<br>"
bBCode + "   const _A2 = $A2<br>"
bBCode + "   const _A4 = $A4<br>"
bBCode + "   const _A6 = $A6<br>"
bBCode + "   const _A8 = $A8<br>"
bBCode + "   const _AA = $AA<br>"
bBCode + "   const _AC = $AC<br>"
bBCode + "   const _AE = $AE<br>"
bBCode + "   const _B0 = $B0<br>"
bBCode + "   const _B2 = $B2<br>"
bBCode + "   const _B4 = $B4<br>"
bBCode + "   const _B6 = $B6<br>"
bBCode + "   const _B8 = $B8<br>"
bBCode + "   const _BA = $BA<br>"
bBCode + "   const _BC = $BC<br>"
bBCode + "   const _BE = $BE<br>"
bBCode + "   const _C0 = $C0<br>"
bBCode + "   const _C2 = $C2<br>"
bBCode + "   const _C4 = $C4<br>"
bBCode + "   const _C6 = $C6<br>"
bBCode + "   const _C8 = $C8<br>"
bBCode + "   const _CA = $CA<br>"
bBCode + "   const _CC = $CC<br>"
bBCode + "   const _CE = $CE<br>"
bBCode + "   const _D0 = $D0<br>"
bBCode + "   const _D2 = $D2<br>"
bBCode + "   const _D4 = $D4<br>"
bBCode + "   const _D6 = $D6<br>"
bBCode + "   const _D8 = $D8<br>"
bBCode + "   const _DA = $DA<br>"
bBCode + "   const _DC = $DC<br>"
bBCode + "   const _DE = $DE<br>"
bBCode + "   const _E0 = $E0<br>"
bBCode + "   const _E2 = $E2<br>"
bBCode + "   const _E4 = $E4<br>"
bBCode + "   const _E6 = $E6<br>"
bBCode + "   const _E8 = $E8<br>"
bBCode + "   const _EA = $EA<br>"
bBCode + "   const _EC = $EC<br>"
bBCode + "   const _EE = $EE<br>"
bBCode + "   const _F0 = $F0<br>"
bBCode + "   const _F2 = $F2<br>"
bBCode + "   const _F4 = $F4<br>"
bBCode + "   const _F6 = $F6<br>"
bBCode + "   const _F8 = $F8<br>"
bBCode + "   const _FA = $FA<br>"
bBCode + "   const _FC = $FC<br>"
bBCode + "   const _FE = $FE<br><br><br>"

If _Standard_Kernel = 0
bBCode + "   goto __Bank_2 bank2<br><br><br>"

bBCode + "   bank 2<br>"
bBCode + "   temp1=temp1<br><br><br>"

bBCode + "__Bank_2<br><br><br>"

;  bB playfield data.
bBCode + "   playfield:<br>"
For _Row = 0 To _bB_Rows

bBCode + "   "

For _Column = 0 To 31

bBCode + _bB_playfield(_Column, _Row)

bBCode + "<br>"


bBCode + "end<br><br><br>"

If _Standard_Kernel = 0

;  bB color row preparation.
yy = _bB_Rows
If _Row_Height = 1 ; If 176 rows, there can only be 88 rows of color.
yy = 87

;  bB foreground color data.
bBCode + "   pfcolors:<br>"

For _Row = 0 To yy

bBCode + "   " + ReplaceString(_bB_pfcolors(_Row), "$", "_") + "<br>"


bBCode + "end<br><br><br>"

;  bB background color data.
bBCode + "   bkcolors:<br>"

For _Row = 0 To yy

bBCode + "   " + ReplaceString(_bB_bkcolors(_Row), "$", "_") + "<br>"


bBCode + "end"


If _Standard_Kernel = 1 Or _Standard_Kernel = 2

bBCode + "   COLUBK = " + ReplaceString(_bB_bkcolors(0), "$", "_") + "<br>"


bBCode + "<br><br><br>"

;  Main Loop code.
bBCode + "__Main_Loop"

bBCode + "<br><br><br>"

If _Standard_Kernel = 1 Or _Standard_Kernel = 2
;  bB foreground color data for standard kernel.
bBCode + "   pfcolors:<br>"

If _Standard_Kernel = 2
bBCode + "   " + ReplaceString(_bB_pfcolors(0), "$", "_") + "<br>"

For _Row = 0 To _bB_Rows

bBCode + "   " + ReplaceString(_bB_pfcolors(_Row), "$", "_") + "<br>"


If _Standard_Kernel = 1
bBCode + "   " + ReplaceString(_bB_pfcolors(_bB_Rows), "$", "_") + "<br>"

bBCode + "end<br>"

If _Standard_Kernel = 0

bBCode + "   ;***************************************************************<br>"
bBCode + "   ;<br>"

;  DFxFRACINC based on number of rows.
Select _bB_Rows

Case 175
bBCode + "   ;  176 rows that are 1 scanline high. (88 rows of color).<br>"
bBCode + "   ;<br>"
bBCode + "   DF6FRACINC = 255 ; Background colors.<br>"
bBCode + "   DF4FRACINC = 255 ; Playfield colors.<br><br>"
bBCode + "   DF0FRACINC = 255 ; Column 0.<br>"
bBCode + "   DF1FRACINC = 255 ; Column 1.<br>"
bBCode + "   DF2FRACINC = 255 ; Column 2.<br>"
bBCode + "   DF3FRACINC = 255 ; Column 3.<br><br><br><br>"

bBCode + "   ;***************************************************************<br>"
bBCode + "   ;<br>"
bBCode + "   ;  Simple fix for the top and bottom rows.<br>"
bBCode + "   ;<br>"
bBCode + "   asm<br>"
bBCode + "   lda DF6FRACDATA<br>"
bBCode + "   lda DF4FRACDATA<br>"
bBCode + "   lda DF0FRACDATA<br>"
bBCode + "   lda DF1FRACDATA<br>"
bBCode + "   lda DF2FRACDATA<br>"
bBCode + "   lda DF3FRACDATA<br>"
bBCode + "end<br>"

Case 87
bBCode + "   ;  88 rows that are 2 scanlines high.<br>"
bBCode + "   ;<br>"
bBCode + "   DF6FRACINC = 255 ; Background colors.<br>"
bBCode + "   DF4FRACINC = 255 ; Playfield colors.<br><br>"
bBCode + "   DF0FRACINC = 128 ; Column 0.<br>"
bBCode + "   DF1FRACINC = 128 ; Column 1.<br>"
bBCode + "   DF2FRACINC = 128 ; Column 2.<br>"
bBCode + "   DF3FRACINC = 128 ; Column 3.<br><br><br><br>"

bBCode + "   ;***************************************************************<br>"
bBCode + "   ;<br>"
bBCode + "   ;  Simple fix for the top two lines having the same color.<br>"
bBCode + "   ;<br>"
bBCode + "   asm<br>"
bBCode + "   lda DF6FRACDATA<br>"
bBCode + "   lda DF4FRACDATA<br>"
bBCode + "end<br>"

Case 43
bBCode + "   ;  44 rows that are 4 scanlines high.<br>"
bBCode + "   ;<br>"
bBCode + "   DF6FRACINC = 128 ; Background colors.<br>"
bBCode + "   DF4FRACINC = 128 ; Playfield colors.<br><br>"
bBCode + "   DF0FRACINC = 64 ; Column 0.<br>"
bBCode + "   DF1FRACINC = 64 ; Column 1.<br>"
bBCode + "   DF2FRACINC = 64 ; Column 2.<br>"
bBCode + "   DF3FRACINC = 64 ; Column 3.<br>"

Case 21
bBCode + "   ;  22 rows that are 8 scanlines high.<br>"
bBCode + "   ;<br>"
bBCode + "   DF6FRACINC = 64 ; Background colors.<br>"
bBCode + "   DF4FRACINC = 64 ; Playfield colors.<br><br>"
bBCode + "   DF0FRACINC = 32 ; Column 0.<br>"
bBCode + "   DF1FRACINC = 32 ; Column 1.<br>"
bBCode + "   DF2FRACINC = 32 ; Column 2.<br>"
bBCode + "   DF3FRACINC = 32 ; Column 3.<br>"

Case 10
bBCode + "   ;  11 rows that are 16 scanlines high.<br>"
bBCode + "   ;<br>"
bBCode + "   DF6FRACINC = 32 ; Background colors.<br>"
bBCode + "   DF4FRACINC = 32 ; Playfield colors.<br><br>"
bBCode + "   DF0FRACINC = 16 ; Column 0.<br>"
bBCode + "   DF1FRACINC = 16 ; Column 1.<br>"
bBCode + "   DF2FRACINC = 16 ; Column 2.<br>"
bBCode + "   DF3FRACINC = 16 ; Column 3.<br>"



;  Rest of the Main Loop and banks.
bBCode + "<br><br><br>"

bBCode + "   ;***************************************************************<br>"
bBCode + "   ;<br>"
bBCode + "   ;  Displays the screen.<br>"
Posts: 108
Joined: Sat Mar 24, 2018 1:33 pm

Re: Is a pulsating outlined box possible?

Post by munfraid »

... and here comes PART 2:

Code: Select all

bBCode + "   ;<br>"
bBCode + "   drawscreen<br><br><br><br>"

bBCode + "   goto __Main_Loop<br><br><br><br>"

If _Standard_Kernel = 0
bBCode + "   bank 3<br>"
bBCode + "   temp1=temp1<br><br>"
bBCode + "   bank 4<br>"
bBCode + "   temp1=temp1<br><br>"
bBCode + "   bank 5<br>"
bBCode + "   temp1=temp1<br><br>"
bBCode + "   bank 6<br>"
bBCode + "   temp1=temp1<br>"

bBCode + "</pre>"

ProcedureReturn bBCode


;  (The .s stands for STRING.)
Procedure.s Get_NTSC_ColorTable()

Protected Table.s
Protected Title.s, Color.s
Protected _NTSC_Row_Counter, _NTSC_Column_Counter
Protected _Atari_Counter

_Atari_Counter = 0

Restore NTSC

;  Creates the top row of numbers.
Table + "<table id='colorTable' border='1' cellspacing='0' bordercolordark='white' bordercolorlight='#A0A0A0' bordercolor='#A0A0A0' style='empty-cells: show; border-collapse: collapse; border-width:1px; border-color: #999; border-style:solid; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;'>"
Table + "<td style='vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; line-height: 25px; height: 25px; width: 24px;'>"
Table + "</td>"
Table + "<td style='vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; line-height: 25px; height: 25px; width: 24px;'>"
Table + "0"
Table + "</td>"
Table + "<td style='vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; line-height: 25px; height: 25px; width: 24px;'>"
Table + "2"
Table + "</td>"
Table + "<td style='vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; line-height: 25px; height: 25px; width: 24px;'>"
Table + "4"
Table + "</td>"
Table + "<td style='vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; line-height: 25px; height: 25px; width: 24px;'>"
Table + "6"
Table + "</td>"
Table + "<td style='vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; line-height: 25px; height: 25px; width: 24px;'>"
Table + "8"
Table + "</td>"
Table + "<td style='vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; line-height: 25px; height: 25px; width: 24px;'>"
Table + "A"
Table + "</td>"
Table + "<td style='vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; line-height: 25px; height: 25px; width: 24px;'>"
Table + "C"
Table + "</td>"
Table + "<td style='vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; line-height: 25px; height: 25px; width: 24px;'>"
Table + "E"
Table + "</td>"

;  Loops for the NTSC chart.
For _NTSC_Row_Counter = 0 To 15
   Table + "<tr>"
For _NTSC_Column_Counter = 0 To 8

;  Creates a side number only at the beginning of each row.
If _NTSC_Column_Counter = 0

Table + "<td style='vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; line-height: 25px; height: 25px;'>"

Select _Atari_Counter
Case 0
Table + "0"
Case 1
Table + "1"
Case 2
Table + "2"
Case 3
Table + "3"
Case 4
Table + "4"
Case 5
Table + "5"
Case 6
Table + "6"
Case 7
Table + "7"
Case 8
Table + "8"
Case 9
Table + "9"
Case 10
Table + "A"
Case 11
Table + "B"
Case 12
Table + "C"
Case 13
Table + "D"
Case 14
Table + "E"
Case 15
Table + "F"


Table + "</td>"

;  Increases the Atari counter (for making side numbers).
   _Atari_Counter = _Atari_Counter + 1


;  Reads the data and creates the NTSC color box cells.
If _NTSC_Column_Counter > 0
Read.s Title
Read.s Color
Table + "<td title='" + Title + "' color='" + Color + "' style='background-color:" + Color + "'></td>"

Next ; _NTSC_Column_Counter
Table + "</tr>"
Next ; _NTSC_Row_Counter

;  Finishes the NTSC chart.
Table + "</table>"

ProcedureReturn Table


;  Handles all that happens during runtime.
Procedure GadgetEvents()

Protected _Which_Gadget = EventGadget()
Protected _Type = EventType()
Protected _Loop
Protected i, j

;  Control key check.
If GetGadgetAttribute(#Canvas_Playfield, #PB_Canvas_Modifiers) & #PB_Canvas_Control

;  Makes sure draw mode is on.
If _Button_Mode = #Button_Draw

;  Ctrl key memory check.
Select _Ctrl_Key_Memory

;  Ctrl key is being pressed from a released state.
Case 0

;  Removes any checkmarks from buttons.
For _Loop = #Button_Draw To #Button_Paint_BG_Row
SetGadgetState(_Loop, 0)

;  Puts a check mark on the Erase button and sets mode to Erase.
SetGadgetState(#Button_Erase, 1)
_Button_Mode = #Button_Erase

;  Tells program that the Ctrl key is being held down.
_Ctrl_Key_Memory = 1



;  Key release check.
Select EventType()

;  A key was released.
Case #PB_EventType_KeyUp

;  Checks the Ctrl key.
Select GetGadgetAttribute(#Canvas_Playfield, #PB_Canvas_Modifiers) & #PB_Canvas_Control

;  Ctrl key is off, so continue.
Case 0

;  Makes sure erase mode is on.
If _Button_Mode = #Button_Erase

;  Tells program that the Ctrl key is no longer pressed.
_Ctrl_Key_Memory = 0

;  Removes any checkmarks from buttons.
For _Loop = #Button_Draw To #Button_Paint_BG_Row
SetGadgetState(_Loop, 0)

;  Puts a check mark on the Draw button and sets mode to Draw.
SetGadgetState(#Button_Draw, 1)
_Button_Mode = #Button_Draw


;  Checks which gadget was triggered.
Select _Which_Gadget

;  Canvas section.
Case #Canvas_Playfield

;  Keeps user from drawing if mouse pointer leaves the canvas while
;  left button is clicked, then mouse pointer moves back over with
;  left button released.
;  Also adds a new UNDO step if a drawing was performed. 
Select _Type
Case #PB_EventType_LeftButtonDown
_EnableDrawing = #True
;- undo redo
Case #PB_EventType_MouseLeave, #PB_EventType_LeftButtonUp
  If _EnableDrawing = #True
    _Undo_Position = ListIndex(undo())
    If ListSize(undo()) > _Max_Undo_Steps
      If _Undo_Position > ListSize(undo())*0.5
        _Undo_Position -1
    If _Undo_Position < 0 
      _Undo_Position = 0
    SelectElement(undo(), _Undo_Position)
    For i=0 To 40
      For j=0 To 220
        undo()\playfield(i,j) = _Playfield_Pixels(i,j)
    For j=0 To 220
      undo()\foreground(j) = _Playfield_Foreground_Colors(j)
      undo()\background(j) = _Playfield_Foreground_Colors(j)
    DisableGadget(#Button_Undo, #False)
  _EnableDrawing = #False
Case #PB_EventType_MouseEnter
SetGadgetAttribute(#Canvas_Playfield, #PB_Canvas_Cursor, #PB_Cursor_Cross)


;  Canvas precheck.
If EventType() = #PB_EventType_LeftButtonDown Or (EventType() = #PB_EventType_MouseMove And GetGadgetAttribute(#Canvas_Playfield, #PB_Canvas_Buttons) & #PB_Canvas_LeftButton) 

If _EnableDrawing = #True And StartDrawing(CanvasOutput(#Canvas_Playfield))

;  Finds out which playfield column and row was clicked.
x = (GetGadgetAttribute(#Canvas_Playfield, #PB_Canvas_MouseX)/_Column_Scale)
y = (GetGadgetAttribute(#Canvas_Playfield, #PB_Canvas_MouseY)/(_Row_Height*_Row_Scale))

;-  Draw.
If _Button_Mode = #Button_Draw

If x > 1 And x < 34 And y >= _Row_Start And y <= _Row_Limit

_Playfield_Pixels(x, y*_Row_Height) = 1

Box(x*_Column_Scale, y*_Row_Scale*_Row_Height, _Column_Scale, _Row_Height*_Row_Scale, _Playfield_Foreground_Colors(y*_Row_Height))
Debug _Playfield_Foreground_Colors(y*_Row_Height)

If _Standard_Kernel = 2 And y > _Row_Start ; Draws a thin line on top of pixel if not on top row.
Box(x*_Column_Scale, (y*_Row_Height*_Row_Scale), _Column_Scale, 3, _Playfield_Foreground_Colors((y-1)*_Row_Height))

If _Standard_Kernel = 1 And y > _Row_Start ; Draws a thin line on top of pixel if not on top row.
Box(x*_Column_Scale, (y*_Row_Height*_Row_Scale), _Column_Scale, 2, colorBG)

_bB_playfield(x-2, y-_Row_Start) = "X"


;  Erase.
ElseIf _Button_Mode = #Button_Erase

If x > 1 And x < 34 And y >= _Row_Start And y <= _Row_Limit

_Playfield_Pixels(x, y*_Row_Height) = 0

Box(x*_Column_Scale, y*_Row_Scale*_Row_Height, _Column_Scale, _Row_Height*_Row_Scale, _Playfield_Background_Colors(y*_Row_Height))

_bB_playfield(x-2, y-_Row_Start) = "."


;  Paint Foreground Row.
ElseIf _Button_Mode = #Button_Paint_FG_Row

If x > 1 And x < 34 And y >= _Row_Start And y <= _Row_Limit

_Playfield_Foreground_Colors(y*_Row_Height) = colorFG

Box(0, y*_Row_Scale*_Row_Height, 9, _Row_Height*_Row_Scale, colorFG)

For _Loop = 0 To _32_Columns

If _Playfield_Pixels(_Loop,y*_Row_Height) = 1
Box(_Loop*_Column_Scale, y*_Row_Scale*_Row_Height, _Column_Scale, _Row_Height*_Row_Scale, colorFG)

If _Standard_Kernel = 2 And y > _Row_Start ; Draws a thin line on top of pixel if not on top row.
Box(_Loop*_Column_Scale, (y*_Row_Height*_Row_Scale), _Column_Scale, 3, _Playfield_Foreground_Colors((y-1)*_Row_Height))


If _Standard_Kernel = 2 And y < _Row_Limit And _Playfield_Pixels(_Loop,(y+1)*_Row_Height) = 1 ; Draws on row below.
Box(_Loop*_Column_Scale, ((y+1)*_Row_Height*_Row_Scale), _Column_Scale, 3, _Playfield_Foreground_Colors(y*_Row_Height))

;  Paints extra row down if 176 rows and an even row and pixel is on.
If _Row_Height = 1 And (y-_Row_Start) % 2 = 0 And _Playfield_Pixels(_Loop,(y+1)*_Row_Height) = 1
_Playfield_Foreground_Colors((y+1)*_Row_Height) = colorFG
Box(_Loop*_Column_Scale, (y+1)*_Row_Scale*_Row_Height, _Column_Scale, _Row_Height*_Row_Scale, colorFG)
Box(0, (y+1)*_Row_Scale*_Row_Height, 9, _Row_Height*_Row_Scale, colorFG)

;  Paints extra row up if 176 rows and an odd row and pixel is on.
ElseIf _Row_Height = 1 And (y-_Row_Start) % 2 = 1 And _Playfield_Pixels(_Loop,(y-1)*_Row_Height) = 1
_Playfield_Foreground_Colors((y-1)*_Row_Height) = colorFG
Box(_Loop*_Column_Scale, (y-1)*_Row_Scale*_Row_Height, _Column_Scale, _Row_Height*_Row_Scale, colorFG)
Box(0, (y-1)*_Row_Scale*_Row_Height, 9, _Row_Height*_Row_Scale, colorFG)


If _Standard_Kernel = 1 And y > _Row_Start ; Draws a thin line on top of row if not drawing on top row.
Box(30, (y*_Row_Height*_Row_Scale), 480, 2, colorBG)

yy = y-_Row_Start

;  Cuts FG color rows in half if 176 rows (can only be 88 rows of color).
If _Row_Height = 1
yy = yy / 2

_bB_pfcolors(yy) = _Current_FG


;  Paint Background Row.
ElseIf _Button_Mode = #Button_Paint_BG_Row

If x > 1 And x < 34 And y >= _Row_Start And y <= _Row_Limit

_Playfield_Background_Colors(y*_Row_Height) = colorBG

;  Paints BG row.
Box(30, y*_Row_Height*_Row_Scale, 480, _Row_Height*_Row_Scale, colorBG)
Box(10, y*_Row_Height*_Row_Scale, 19, _Row_Height*_Row_Scale, colorBG)
Box(511, y*_Row_Height*_Row_Scale, 29, _Row_Height*_Row_Scale, colorBG)

;  Paints extra BG row down if 176 rows and an odd row and pixel is on.
If _Row_Height = 1 And (y-_Row_Start) % 2 = 0
_Playfield_Background_Colors((y+1)*_Row_Height) = colorBG
Box(30, (y+1)*_Row_Height*_Row_Scale, 480, _Row_Height*_Row_Scale, colorBG)
Box(10, (y+1)*_Row_Height*_Row_Scale, 19, _Row_Height*_Row_Scale, colorBG)
Box(511, (y+1)*_Row_Height*_Row_Scale, 29, _Row_Height*_Row_Scale, colorBG)

;  Paints extra BG row up if 176 rows and an odd row and pixel is on.
ElseIf _Row_Height = 1 And (y-_Row_Start) % 2 = 1
_Playfield_Background_Colors((y-1)*_Row_Height) = colorBG
Box(30, (y-1)*_Row_Height*_Row_Scale, 480, _Row_Height*_Row_Scale, colorBG)
Box(10, (y-1)*_Row_Height*_Row_Scale, 19, _Row_Height*_Row_Scale, colorBG)
Box(511, (y-1)*_Row_Height*_Row_Scale, 29, _Row_Height*_Row_Scale, colorBG)


;  Standard kernel section.
If _Standard_Kernel = 1 Or _Standard_Kernel = 2
;  Paints BG all one color.
For _Loop = _Row_Start To _Row_Limit
_Playfield_Background_Colors(_Loop*_Row_Height) = colorBG
Box(30, _Loop*_Row_Height*_Row_Scale, 480, _Row_Height*_Row_Scale, colorBG)
Box(10, _Loop*_Row_Height*_Row_Scale, 19, _Row_Height*_Row_Scale, colorBG)
Box(511, _Loop*_Row_Height*_Row_Scale, 29, _Row_Height*_Row_Scale, colorBG)

For _Loop = 0 To 10
_bB_bkcolors(_Loop) = _Current_BG

;  Loops for replacing foreground.
For _Row = _Row_Start To _Row_Limit
For _Column = 0 To _32_Columns

;  Paints FG if pixel is on.
If _Playfield_Pixels(_Column,_Row*_Row_Height) = 1
Box(_Column*_Column_Scale, _Row*_Row_Scale*_Row_Height, _Column_Scale, _Row_Height*_Row_Scale, _Playfield_Foreground_Colors(_Row*_Row_Height))

If _Standard_Kernel = 2 And _Row > _Row_Start ; Draws a thin line on top of pixel if not on top row.
Box(_Column*_Column_Scale, (_Row*_Row_Height*_Row_Scale), _Column_Scale, 3, _Playfield_Foreground_Colors((_Row-1)*_Row_Height))


If _Standard_Kernel = 2 And _Row < _Row_Limit And _Playfield_Pixels(_Column,(_Row+1)*_Row_Height) = 1 ; Draws on row below.
Box(_Column*_Column_Scale, ((_Row+1)*_Row_Height*_Row_Scale), _Column_Scale, 3, _Playfield_Foreground_Colors(_Row*_Row_Height))


If _Standard_Kernel = 1 And _Row > _Row_Start ; Draws a thin line on top of row if not drawing on top row.
Box(30, (_Row*_Row_Height*_Row_Scale), 480, 2, colorBG)



If _Standard_Kernel = 0
;  Loop for replacing foreground.
For _Loop = 0 To _32_Columns

;  Paints FG if pixel is on.
If _Playfield_Pixels(_Loop,y*_Row_Height) = 1
Box(_Loop*_Column_Scale, y*_Row_Scale*_Row_Height, _Column_Scale, _Row_Height*_Row_Scale, _Playfield_Foreground_Colors(y*_Row_Height))

;  Paints extra FG row down if 176 rows and an even row and pixel is on.
If _Row_Height = 1 And (y-_Row_Start) % 2 = 0 And _Playfield_Pixels(_Loop,(y+1)*_Row_Height) = 1
Box(_Loop*_Column_Scale, (y+1)*_Row_Scale*_Row_Height, _Column_Scale, _Row_Height*_Row_Scale, _Playfield_Foreground_Colors((y+1)*_Row_Height))

;  Paints extra FG row up if 176 rows and an odd row and pixel is on.
ElseIf _Row_Height = 1 And (y-_Row_Start) % 2 = 1 And _Playfield_Pixels(_Loop,(y-1)*_Row_Height) = 1
Box(_Loop*_Column_Scale, (y-1)*_Row_Scale*_Row_Height, _Column_Scale, _Row_Height*_Row_Scale, _Playfield_Foreground_Colors((y-1)*_Row_Height))




yy = y-_Row_Start

;  Cuts BG color rows in half if 176 rows (can only be 88 rows of color).
If _Row_Height = 1
yy = yy / 2


_bB_bkcolors(yy) = _Current_BG



;- Row Mode check. If a new mode is selected, the canvas playfield is
;  also cleared.
Case #Row_Mode_Dropdown_Menu

_Drop_Down = GetGadgetState(#Row_Mode_Dropdown_Menu)

If _Type = #PB_EventType_Change

_Standard_Kernel = 0

Select _Drop_Down

Case 0
Dim _bB_playfield.s(32, 176)
Dim _bB_pfcolors.s(88)
Dim _bB_bkcolors.s(88)
_bB_Rows = 175 : _Row_Start = 16 : _Row_Limit = 191 : _Row_Height = 1

Case 1
Dim _bB_playfield.s(32, 88)
Dim _bB_pfcolors.s(88)
Dim _bB_bkcolors.s(88)
_bB_Rows = 87 : _Row_Start = 8 : _Row_Limit = 95 : _Row_Height = 2

Case 2
Dim _bB_playfield.s(32, 44)
Dim _bB_pfcolors.s(44)
Dim _bB_bkcolors.s(44)
_bB_Rows = 43 : _Row_Start = 4 : _Row_Limit = 47 : _Row_Height = 4

Case 3
Dim _bB_playfield.s(32, 22)
Dim _bB_pfcolors.s(22)
Dim _bB_bkcolors.s(22)
_bB_Rows = 21 : _Row_Start = 2 : _Row_Limit = 23 : _Row_Height = 8

Case 4
Dim _bB_playfield.s(32, 11)
Dim _bB_pfcolors.s(11)
Dim _bB_bkcolors.s(11)
_bB_Rows = 10 : _Row_Start = 1 : _Row_Limit = 11 : _Row_Height = 16

Case 5
Dim _bB_playfield.s(32, 11)
Dim _bB_pfcolors.s(11)
Dim _bB_bkcolors.s(11)
_bB_Rows = 10 : _Row_Start = 1 : _Row_Limit = 11 : _Standard_Kernel = 1 : _Row_Height = 16

Case 6
Dim _bB_playfield.s(32, 11)
Dim _bB_pfcolors.s(11)
Dim _bB_bkcolors.s(11)
_bB_Rows = 10 : _Row_Start = 1 : _Row_Limit = 11 : _Standard_Kernel = 2 : _Row_Height = 16




;  Button click check. If a button is clicked, all buttons are cleared
;  and the new button is selected.
Case #Button_Draw To #Button_Paint_BG_Row

;  Removes any checkmarks from buttons.
For _Loop = #Button_Draw To #Button_Paint_BG_Row
SetGadgetState(_Loop, 0)

;  Puts a check mark on the correct button and sets button mode.
SetGadgetState(_Which_Gadget, 1)
_Button_Mode = _Which_Gadget

Case #Button_Pen To #Button_Text
For _Loop = #Button_Pen To #Button_Text
SetGadgetState(_Loop, 0)

SetGadgetState(_Which_Gadget, 1)
_Draw_Mode = _Which_Gadget

;- undo 
Case #Button_Undo;, #Button_Redo
  For i=0 To 40
    For j=0 To 220
      _Playfield_Pixels(i,j) = undo()\playfield(i,j)
  For j=0 To 220
    _Playfield_Foreground_Colors(j) = undo()\foreground(j) 
    _Playfield_Foreground_Colors(j) = undo()\background(j)

;  Appears when user clicks on a foreground/background color box.
Case #Foreground_Color_Box, #Background_Color_Box
_Which_Color_FG_or_BG = _Which_Gadget

OpenWindow(#Window_NTSC_Color_Chart, WindowMouseX(#Window_Main)-200, WindowMouseY(#Window_Main)-250, 
300, 500, "Color NTSC");, #PB_Window_BorderLess)
ContainerGadget(#NTSC_Gadget, 0, 0, WindowWidth(#Window_NTSC_Color_Chart), WindowHeight(#Window_NTSC_Color_Chart))

GID = GadgetID(#NTSC_Gadget)
SetWindowColor(#Window_NTSC_Color_Chart, $FFFFFF)

;  Inline JavaScript magic.
;  A JavaScript variable name is the same as a SpiderBasic variable
;  name, but the JavaScript version is all lowercase and has a
;  'v_' prefix. It's the same for local variables, global variables
;  and function parameters.
;  A JavaScript procedure name is the same as a SpiderBasic procedure
;  name, but the JavaScript version is all lowercase and has an
;  'f_' prefix.
;  Line 1: Clears the div.
;  Line 2: Inserts content using append().
;  Line 3: Onclick magic.
;  Line 4: Procedure magic.
! $(v_gid.div).empty();
! $(v_gid.div).append($(v_ntsc_colortable));
! $('#colorTable').on('click','td', function() {
!   f_colorcellclicked($(this).attr("title"), $(this).attr("color"));
! });

;  Makes NTSC color chart disappear if mouse pointer leaves area.
AddWindowTimer(#Window_NTSC_Color_Chart, 0, 100)

;  Clear Button check. (Clears canvas playfield if button clicked.)
Case #Button_Clear

;  Generate bB code button check. If clicked, opens window, gets
;  bB code, and makes it selectable.
Case #Button_Generate_Code

OpenWindow(#bB_Code_Window, WindowMouseX(#Window_Main)-350, WindowMouseY(#Window_Main)-480, 
700, 500, "bB Code");, #PB_Window_BorderLess)
ScrollAreaGadget(#bB_Gadget, 0, 0, 700, 500, 700, 500)
SetGadgetColor(#bB_Gadget, #PB_Gadget_BackColor, $FFFFFF)

bB_CodeTable = bB_Procedure()

GID = GadgetID(#bB_Gadget)
! $(v_gid.div).empty();
! $(v_gid.div).append($(v_bb_codetable));
! $(v_gid.div).css("user-select", "all");


Procedure initUI()
;  Main window and user interface.
LoadFont(#Font_UiBig, fontUiBig, fontUiBigSize, #PB_Font_Bold)
LoadFont(#Font_UiNormal, fontUiNormal, fontUiNormalSize, #PB_Font_Bold)
LoadFont(#Font_UiSmall, fontUiSmall, fontUiSmallSize)

If OpenWindow(#Window_Main, 0, 0, 0, 0, #AppName, #PB_Window_Background)
SetWindowColor(#Window_Main, colorWindowBG)

;-  CANVAS: Playfield area for drawing.
CanvasGadget(#Canvas_Playfield, 4*_Spacer, 4*_Spacer, 542, 417, #PB_Canvas_Border | #PB_Canvas_Keyboard)

;  BUTTON: Clear playfield canvas.
ButtonGadget(#Button_Clear, GadgetX(#Canvas_Playfield), GadgetY(#Canvas_Playfield)+GadgetHeight(#Canvas_Playfield)+3*_Spacer,
             80, 30, "Clear")

;  BUTTON: Undo.
ButtonGadget(#Button_Undo, GadgetX(#Button_Clear)+0.5*GadgetWidth(#Canvas_Playfield)-62, GadgetY(#Button_Clear), 60, 30, "Undo")
DisableGadget(#Button_Undo, #True)

;  BUTTON: Redo.
ButtonGadget(#Button_Redo, GadgetX(#Button_Undo)+64, GadgetY(#Button_Undo), 60, 30, "Redo")
DisableGadget(#Button_Redo, #True)

;  BUTTON: Generate bB code.
ButtonGadget(#Button_Generate_Code, GadgetX(#Button_Clear)+GadgetWidth(#Canvas_Playfield)-130, GadgetY(#Button_Clear),
             130, 30, "Generate bB Code")

TextGadget(#Text_for_Row_Mode, GadgetX(#Canvas_Playfield)+GadgetWidth(#Canvas_Playfield)+3*_Spacer, GadgetY(#Canvas_Playfield), 
200, fontUiNormalSize, "Row Mode")
SetGadgetFont(#Text_for_Row_Mode, FontID(#Font_UiNormal))
SetGadgetColor(#Text_for_Row_Mode, #PB_Gadget_FrontColor, _Text_Color)

ComboBoxGadget(#Row_Mode_Dropdown_Menu, GadgetX(#Text_for_Row_Mode), GadgetY(#Text_for_Row_Mode)+fontUiNormalSize+_Spacer, 235, 30)
AddGadgetItem(#Row_Mode_Dropdown_Menu, -1, " DPC+ 176 rows")
AddGadgetItem(#Row_Mode_Dropdown_Menu, -1, " DPC+ 88 rows")
AddGadgetItem(#Row_Mode_Dropdown_Menu, -1, " DPC+ 44 rows")
AddGadgetItem(#Row_Mode_Dropdown_Menu, -1, " DPC+ 22 rows")
AddGadgetItem(#Row_Mode_Dropdown_Menu, -1, " DPC+ 11 rows")
AddGadgetItem(#Row_Mode_Dropdown_Menu, -1, " Standard 11 rows")
AddGadgetItem(#Row_Mode_Dropdown_Menu, -1, " Standard no_blank_lines 11 rows")
SetGadgetState(#Row_Mode_Dropdown_Menu, 1)

;  TEXT: Editing mode.
TextGadget(#Text_for_Editing_Mode, GadgetX(#Text_for_Row_Mode), GadgetY(#Row_Mode_Dropdown_Menu)+25+3*_Spacer, 240, fontUiNormalSize, "Editing Mode")
SetGadgetFont(#Text_for_Editing_Mode, FontID(#Font_UiNormal))
SetGadgetColor(#Text_for_Editing_Mode, #PB_Gadget_FrontColor, _Text_Color)

;  NOTE: "#PB_Button_Toggle" creates a toggle button (one click pushes
;  it, another will release it.)

;  BUTTON: Draw playfield pixel.
ButtonGadget(#Button_Draw, GadgetX(#Text_for_Row_Mode), GadgetY(#Text_for_Editing_Mode)+fontUiNormalSize+_Spacer, 75, 30,
"Draw", #PB_Button_Toggle )

;  BUTTON: Erase playfield pixel.
ButtonGadget(#Button_Erase, GadgetX(#Text_for_Row_Mode)+80, GadgetY(#Text_for_Editing_Mode)+fontUiNormalSize+_Spacer, 75, 30,
             "Erase", #PB_Button_Toggle)

;  BUTTON: Select.
ButtonGadget(#Button_Select, GadgetX(#Text_for_Row_Mode)+160, GadgetY(#Text_for_Editing_Mode)+fontUiNormalSize+_Spacer, 75, 30,
             "Select", #PB_Button_Toggle )
DisableGadget(#Button_Select, 1)

;  BUTTON: Cut.
ButtonGadget(#Button_Cut, GadgetX(#Button_Draw), GadgetY(#Text_for_Editing_Mode)+fontUiNormalSize+_Spacer+35, 75, 30,
             "Cut", #PB_Button_Toggle)
DisableGadget(#Button_Cut, 1)

;  BUTTON: Copy.
ButtonGadget(#Button_Copy, GadgetX(#Button_Draw)+80, GadgetY(#Text_for_Editing_Mode)+fontUiNormalSize+_Spacer+35, 75, 30,
             "Copy", #PB_Button_Toggle)
DisableGadget(#Button_Copy, 1)

;  BUTTON: Paste.
ButtonGadget(#Button_Paste, GadgetX(#Button_Draw)+160, GadgetY(#Text_for_Editing_Mode)+fontUiNormalSize+_Spacer+35, 75, 30,
             "Paste", #PB_Button_Toggle)
DisableGadget(#Button_Paste, 1)

;  TEXT: Drawing mode.
TextGadget(#Text_for_Drawing_Mode, GadgetX(#Text_for_Row_Mode), GadgetY(#Button_Cut)+25+3*_Spacer, 240, fontUiNormalSize, "Drawing Mode")
SetGadgetFont(#Text_for_Drawing_Mode, FontID(#Font_UiNormal))
SetGadgetColor(#Text_for_Drawing_Mode, #PB_Gadget_FrontColor, _Text_Color)

;    BUTTON: Pen.
ButtonGadget(#Button_Pen, GadgetX(#Text_for_Row_Mode), GadgetY(#Text_for_Drawing_Mode)+fontUiNormalSize+_Spacer, 75, 30,
             "Pen", #PB_Button_Toggle )
SetGadgetState(#Button_Pen, 1)

;    BUTTON: Line.
ButtonGadget(#Button_Line, GadgetX(#Button_Pen)+80, GadgetY(#Button_Pen), 75, 30, "Line", #PB_Button_Toggle )
DisableGadget(#Button_Line, 1)

;    BUTTON: Box.
ButtonGadget(#Button_Box, GadgetX(#Button_Line)+80, GadgetY(#Button_Line), 75, 30, "Box", #PB_Button_Toggle )
DisableGadget(#Button_Box, 1)

;    BUTTON: Ellipse.
ButtonGadget(#Button_Ellipse, GadgetX(#Button_Pen), GadgetY(#Button_Pen)+35, 75, 30, "Ellipse", #PB_Button_Toggle )
DisableGadget(#Button_Ellipse, 1)

;    BUTTON: Text.
ButtonGadget(#Button_Text, GadgetX(#Button_Ellipse)+80, GadgetY(#Button_Ellipse), 75, 30, "Text", #PB_Button_Toggle )
DisableGadget(#Button_Text, 1)

;  TEXT: Coloring mode.
TextGadget(#Text_for_Coloring_mode, GadgetX(#Text_for_Row_Mode), GadgetY(#Button_Ellipse)+25+3*_Spacer, 240, fontUiNormalSize, "Coloring Mode")
SetGadgetFont(#Text_for_Coloring_mode, FontID(#Font_UiNormal))
SetGadgetColor(#Text_for_Coloring_mode, #PB_Gadget_FrontColor, _Text_Color)

;  BUTTON: Paint FG row.
ButtonGadget(#Button_Paint_FG_Row, GadgetX(#Text_for_Row_Mode), GadgetY(#Text_for_Coloring_mode)+fontUiNormalSize+_Spacer, 115, 30,
"Paint FG Row", #PB_Button_Toggle )

;  BUTTON: Paint BG row.
ButtonGadget(#Button_Paint_BG_Row, GadgetX(#Button_Paint_FG_Row)+120, GadgetY(#Text_for_Coloring_mode)+fontUiNormalSize+_Spacer, 115, 30,
"Paint BG Row", #PB_Button_Toggle)

;  Selects starting button mode.
SetGadgetState(#Button_Draw, 1)  ; Puts a check mark on the Draw button.
_Button_Mode = #Button_Draw      ; Selects the Draw button.

;  Foreground Color text and clickable box that brings up the NTSC chart.
TextGadget(#Text_for_Foreground_Color, GadgetX(#Text_for_Row_Mode), GadgetY(#Button_Paint_FG_Row)+20+3*_Spacer, 90, fontUiNormalSize, "Color: &nbsp;&nbsp;FG")
SetGadgetFont(#Text_for_Foreground_Color, FontID(#Font_UiNormal))
SetGadgetColor(#Text_for_Foreground_Color, #PB_Gadget_FrontColor, _Text_Color)
ButtonGadget(#Foreground_Color_Box, GadgetX(#Text_for_Foreground_Color)+GadgetWidth(#Text_for_Foreground_Color), 
             GadgetY(#Text_for_Foreground_Color)-5, 50, 30, "")
! $(v_gid.div).find(".dijitButtonContents").css("background-color", spider_helper_ColorToHtml(v_colorfg));

;  Background Color text and clickable box that brings up the NTSC chart.
TextGadget(#Text_for_Background_Color, GadgetX(#Foreground_Color_Box)+GadgetWidth(#Foreground_Color_Box)+10, 
           GadgetY(#Text_for_Foreground_Color), 30, fontUiNormalSize, "BG")
SetGadgetFont(#Text_for_Background_Color, FontID(#Font_UiNormal))
SetGadgetColor(#Text_for_Background_Color, #PB_Gadget_FrontColor, _Text_Color)
ButtonGadget(#Background_Color_Box, GadgetX(#Text_for_Background_Color)+GadgetWidth(#Text_for_Background_Color), 
             GadgetY(#Text_for_Background_Color)-5, 50, 30, "")


;  Inline JavaScript magic.
! $(v_gid.div).find(".dijitButtonContents").css("background-color", spider_helper_ColorToHtml(v_colorbg));

;  Footer with version number and more.
TextGadget(#Text_for_Footer, GadgetX(#Canvas_Playfield), GadgetY(#Button_Clear)+GadgetHeight(#Button_Clear)+3*_Spacer,
_32_Columns*_Column_Scale*3, fontUiSmallSize, textFooter)
SetGadgetFont(#Text_for_Footer, FontID(#Font_UiSmall))
SetGadgetColor(#Text_for_Footer, #PB_Gadget_FrontColor, _Text_Color)



Global NTSC_ColorTable.s = Get_NTSC_ColorTable()
BindEvent(#PB_Event_Gadget, @GadgetEvents())
BindEvent(#PB_Event_Timer, @TimerEvents())
BindEvent(#PB_Event_CloseWindow, @CloseWindowEvent())

;  Clears the playfield canvas.
Box(0, 0, 551, 417, $E9EAEA)

;- Creates black box around playfield area.
Box(29, 31, 481.5, 354, #Black)
Box(30, 32, 480, 352, $E9EAEA)

;  Draws black line down left side.
Box(0, 32, 9, 352, #Black)

;  Puts the starting default colors into the foreground and background.
For _Loop = 0 To 220
_Playfield_Foreground_Colors(_Loop) = colorFG
_Playfield_Background_Colors(_Loop) = colorBG

;  Fills the bB playfield array with dots.
For _Row = 0 To _bB_Rows

For _Column = 0 To 31

_bB_playfield(_Column, _Row) = "."


;  Fills the bB pfcolors array with black.
For _Row = 0 To _bB_Rows

_bB_pfcolors(_Row) = "$00"


;  Fills the bB bkcolors array with white.
For _Row = 0 To _bB_Rows

_bB_bkcolors(_Row) = "$0E"


;  (The .s stands for STRING.)

Data.s "$00", "#000000", "$02", "#3F3F3E", "$04", "#646463", "$06", "#848483", "$08", "#A2A2A1", "$0A", "#BABAB9", "$0C", "#D2D2D1", "$0E", "#EAEAE9"
Data.s "$10", "#3D3D00", "$12", "#5E5E0A", "$14", "#7B7B15", "$16", "#999920", "$18", "#B4B42A", "$1A", "#CDCD34", "$1C", "#E6E63E", "$1E", "#FDFD48"
Data.s "$20", "#712300", "$22", "#863D0B", "$24", "#995718", "$26", "#AD6F26", "$28", "#BD8632", "$2A", "#CD9B3E", "$2C", "#DCB049", "$2E", "#EAC254"
Data.s "$30", "#861500", "$32", "#9A2F0E", "$34", "#AE481E", "$36", "#C0612F", "$38", "#D1773E", "$3A", "#E08D4D", "$3C", "#EFA25B", "$3E", "#FDB568"
Data.s "$40", "#8A0000", "$42", "#9E1312", "$44", "#B12827", "$46", "#C23D3C", "$48", "#D25150", "$4A", "#E26463", "$4C", "#EF7574", "$4E", "#FD8685"
Data.s "$50", "#790058", "$52", "#8D126E", "$54", "#A02784", "$56", "#B13B98", "$58", "#C04EAA", "$5A", "#D061BC", "$5C", "#DD71CC", "$5E", "#EA82DC"
Data.s "$60", "#450078", "$62", "#5D128F", "$64", "#7227A4", "$66", "#883BB9", "$68", "#9B4ECA", "$6A", "#AE61DC", "$6C", "#BF71EC", "$6E", "#D082FB"
Data.s "$70", "#0E0085", "$72", "#291399", "$74", "#4328AD", "$76", "#5D3DBF", "$78", "#7451D0", "$7A", "#8B64DF", "$7C", "#A175EE", "$7E", "#B586FB"
Data.s "$80", "#00008A", "$82", "#12139D", "$84", "#2428B0", "$86", "#373DC1", "$88", "#4951D1", "$8A", "#5A64E0", "$8C", "#6A75EE", "$8E", "#7986FB"
Data.s "$90", "#00157D", "$92", "#123193", "$94", "#244CA7", "$96", "#3767BB", "$98", "#4980CC", "$9A", "#5A97DD", "$9C", "#6AAEED", "$9E", "#79C2FB"
Data.s "$A0", "#002758", "$A2", "#124574", "$A4", "#24628D", "$A6", "#377EA7", "$A8", "#4997BE", "$AA", "#5AB0D4", "$AC", "#6AC7E8", "$AE", "#79DDFB"
Data.s "$B0", "#003526", "$B2", "#125742", "$B4", "#24765D", "$B6", "#379576", "$B8", "#49B18E", "$BA", "#5ACCA5", "$BC", "#6AE5BB", "$BE", "#79FDCF"
Data.s "$C0", "#003900", "$C2", "#135B12", "$C4", "#287927", "$C6", "#3D973C", "$C8", "#51B350", "$CA", "#64CD63", "$CC", "#75E674", "$CE", "#86FD85"
Data.s "$D0", "#0E3200", "$D2", "#2B5411", "$D4", "#477323", "$D6", "#639336", "$D8", "#7DB048", "$DA", "#95CB59", "$DC", "#ADE569", "$DE", "#C2FD78"
Data.s "$E0", "#272E00", "$E2", "#454E0F", "$E4", "#626B21", "$E6", "#7E8833", "$E8", "#97A343", "$EA", "#B0BC53", "$EC", "#C7D462", "$EE", "#DDEA70"
Data.s "$F0", "#3D2300", "$F2", "#5E420D", "$F4", "#7B5F1D", "$F6", "#997B2D", "$F8", "#B4963B", "$FA", "#CDAF4A", "$FC", "#E6C757", "$FE", "#FDDD64"
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Random Terrain
Posts: 63
Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2021 9:48 pm
Location: USA

Re: Is a pulsating outlined box possible?

Post by Random Terrain »

munfraid wrote: Thu Aug 12, 2021 3:23 pm Just wanted to let you know that I'm pretty busy currently and since it's pretty difficult for me to read your code I can't do everything immediately.
Thanks. Whenever you have time is fine with me. It will never get done if I try to do it since pretty much all of it is over my head.

munfraid wrote: Thu Aug 12, 2021 3:23 pm You explained very well why you format your code the way you do, and if it works for you this way everything is fine. But for me it's partly near to be unreadable. I can deal with it, but it will take a little more time.
Feel free to automatically indent if it helps. I can un-indent later.

munfraid wrote: Thu Aug 12, 2021 3:23 pm For now I just added the required ui buttons for the new functions and prepared the undo/redo function. More will follow in the next days.
Thanks. I grabbed the code and compiled it. Looking good. Those will be some very useful buttons.
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Random Terrain
Posts: 63
Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2021 9:48 pm
Location: USA

Re: Is a pulsating outlined box possible?

Post by Random Terrain »

Random Terrain wrote: Fri Aug 13, 2021 4:29 am
munfraid wrote: Thu Aug 12, 2021 3:23 pm Just wanted to let you know that I'm pretty busy currently and since it's pretty difficult for me to read your code I can't do everything immediately.
Thanks. Whenever you have time is fine with me. It will never get done if I try to do it since pretty much all of it is over my head.

munfraid wrote: Thu Aug 12, 2021 3:23 pm You explained very well why you format your code the way you do, and if it works for you this way everything is fine. But for me it's partly near to be unreadable. I can deal with it, but it will take a little more time.
Feel free to automatically indent if it helps. I can un-indent later.

munfraid wrote: Thu Aug 12, 2021 3:23 pm For now I just added the required ui buttons for the new functions and prepared the undo/redo function. More will follow in the next days.
Thanks. I grabbed the code and compiled it. Looking good. Those will be some very useful buttons.
I took a break from SpiderBasic while doing other things. I'll have more time to study the SpiderBasic pages in about 5 days.
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