Full path with OpenFileRequester() and some ideas

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Full path with OpenFileRequester() and some ideas

Post by JohnJohnsonSHERMAN »

It would be great to have the full path of a file by using OpenFileRequester, for example to have a SelectedFilePath() function to return it while using NextSelectedFile() in the OpenFileRequester's callback. By the way, it would be easier to open local files (eg. : musics, documents or images to upload).

Some others features ?
  • OpenPage(URL$) : to open another page (using ! window.open(v_url,"_self"))
  • A visual designer : Oh yes ! That would be (very) good ;)
  • 3D libary : Would be nice to 3D games, I think... oh I'm just dreaming...
  • Some functions to configure the page's title, favicon, or background (yeah it's possible to do it myself, but I'm lazy...)
  • A movie player lib : This one would be very great also. And support of Youtube videos, of course... I saw a exellent exemple somewhere here, using Tubular plugin to play a Youtube background video.
  • Threads? I guess it's possible on Android, so why not?
  • And some system-related features (like getting free memory space, and other system infos), for the Android development.
"It's only by continuously trying that you can finally succeed."-The Shadoks

Note : This Sherman is 100% made in France, so his default language is French... Please ̶p̶a̶r̶d̶o̶n̶a̶t̶e̶ forgive him his English ̶m̶i̶s̶t̶a̶ï̶q̶u̶e̶s̶ mistakes