Editor and StringGadgets lose Focus when Window area is clicked

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Editor and StringGadgets lose Focus when Window area is clicked

Post by blz »

Hi all,

An issue with EditorGadget and StringGadget.

- Clicking window title/borders (or moving/resizing the window) makes the blue focus-border disappear and the gadgets lose Focus: #PB_EventType_LostFocus is triggered.
- However, releasing the mouse button we can still continue typing into the gadgets, no need to click into them first, but hitting the Return key won't be recognised as a Shortcut.
- Running the same code in PureBasic works as expected: focus is kept during Window move/size, Return key works as Shortcut programmed

As a workaround for some cases, focus can be regained by adding SetActiveGadget(...) when #PB_EventType_Change is caught.


Code: Select all

; Editor and StringGadgets lose Focus when Window area is clicked
; -Clicking window title/borders (or moving/resizing the window) makes the blue focus-border disappear
;  and the gadgets lose Focus: #PB_EventType_LostFocus is triggered.
; -However, releasing the mouse button we can still continue typing into the gadgets, no need to click into them first,
;  but hitting the Return key won't be recognised as a Shortcut.
; -Running the same code in PB works as expected: focus is kept during Window move/size, Return key works as Shortcut programmed

#String_ReturnKeyPressed = 777
#Editor_ReturnKeyPressed = 888

Enumeration Windows

Enumeration Gadgets

Procedure GadgetEvent()
  Select EventGadget()
    Case #String
      Debug "  #String"
      Select EventType()
        Case #PB_EventType_Change
          ;SetActiveGadget(#String)  ; as a wokaround... sort of
        Case #PB_EventType_Focus
          Debug "    AddKeyboardShortcut(#win, #PB_Shortcut_Return, #String_ReturnKeyPressed)"
          AddKeyboardShortcut(#win, #PB_Shortcut_Return, #String_ReturnKeyPressed)
        Case #PB_EventType_LostFocus
          Debug "    RemoveKeyboardShortcut(#win, #PB_Shortcut_Return)"
          RemoveKeyboardShortcut(#win, #PB_Shortcut_Return)
          Debug "    EventType(): " + EventType()
    Case #Editor
      Debug "  #Editor"
      Select EventType()
        Case #PB_EventType_Change
          ;SetActiveGadget(#Editor)  ; as a wokaround... sort of
        Case #PB_EventType_Focus
          Debug "    AddKeyboardShortcut(#win, #PB_Shortcut_Return, #Editor_ReturnKeyPressed)"
          AddKeyboardShortcut(#win, #PB_Shortcut_Return, #Editor_ReturnKeyPressed)
        Case #PB_EventType_LostFocus
          Debug "    RemoveKeyboardShortcut(#win, #PB_Shortcut_Return)"
          RemoveKeyboardShortcut(#win, #PB_Shortcut_Return)
          Debug "    EventType(): " + EventType()
      Debug "  EventGadget(): " + EventGadget()

Procedure MenuEvent()
  Debug EventMenu()
  Select EventMenu()
    Case #String_ReturnKeyPressed
      Debug "  #String: " +#DQUOTE$+ GetGadgetText(#String) +#DQUOTE$
    Case #Editor_ReturnKeyPressed
      Debug "  #Editor: " +#DQUOTE$+ GetGadgetText(#Editor) +#DQUOTE$

Procedure SizeWindowEvent()
  ResizeGadget(#String, #PB_Ignore, #PB_Ignore, WindowWidth(#win)-10, #PB_Ignore)
  ResizeGadget(#Editor, #PB_Ignore, #PB_Ignore, WindowWidth(#win)-10, WindowHeight(#win)-40)

CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_OS <> #PB_OS_Web
  #PB_String_PlaceHolder = 0

BindEvent(#PB_Event_Gadget, @GadgetEvent())
BindEvent(#PB_Event_Menu, @MenuEvent())
BindEvent(#PB_Event_SizeWindow, @SizeWindowEvent())

If OpenWindow(#win, 0, 0, 400, 250, "String/EditorGadget loses Focus on window-click", #PB_Window_SystemMenu | #PB_Window_ScreenCentered | #PB_Window_SizeGadget)
  StringGadget(#String, 5, 5, WindowWidth(#win)-10, 25, "Clicking Window title/boder triggers RemoveKeyboardShortcut()", #PB_String_PlaceHolder)
  EditorGadget(#Editor, 5, 35, WindowWidth(#win)-10, WindowHeight(#win)-40)
  CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_OS <> #PB_OS_Web
    Repeat : Until WaitWindowEvent() = #PB_Event_CloseWindow  ; uncomment this to make code work in PureBasic
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Re: Editor and StringGadgets lose Focus when Window area is clicked

Post by Fred »

I agree it's not the same behaviour than PB, but I don't think we can do much to prevent this unfortunately.
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