What does Spider Basic do - what is its place?

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What does Spider Basic do - what is its place?

Post by AndrewM »

Before I launch into studying this new product, I want to know what its purpose is. I am not a great programmer so I can't just see what a product might be good for so let me ask directly.

Is Spider Basic client side, server side or both?

How is it deployed to machines other than the development machine?

Does it have any dependencies particularly web servers (IIS or Apache etc)? Is Spider Basic a way to provide a cross platform GUI for essentially local apps or is it an application server?

Can Spider Basic work with GIT?

Given that Spider Basic can make a mean form, does it have a concept of a record with fields in the manner of Ruby on Rails Active Record or similar?

Will Spider Basic work with AJAX?

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Joined: Sat Mar 01, 2014 3:02 pm

Re: What does Spider Basic do - what is its place?

Post by the.weavster »

At this moment it's client side only but I think the ultimate plan is that it will be both with the server side most likely being generated in JavaScript to be run with nodejs.
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